Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Making Plans

So, it looks and feels a little bit like i've been a slacker for not writing for such a long time. Not that much excitement really has been happening in my life worth writing about.
In the past week i've become inspired and motivated because I just booked me and Amir's reservations in California. We are gonna do the whole last summer vaca again minus Las Vegas. However, this time we will be starting our journey in Los Angeles and ending it all in San Francisco. I'm not sure what it is, but as soon as I book any kind of vacation I feel this sense of relief. I guess it's just nice knowing that i'm gonna get out of the routine for a few weeks and get to really live life a little bit. Here it feels like such a routine and i'm ready for something fun and exciting!! So now i'm stoked about July coming as soon as possible. I have a lot of saving to do before that, but i'm so motivated that I don't even care. I'm even taking the money that I haven't yet spent mom and dad gave me for clothes for Christmas and putting it toward the vaca. I call it being a "responsible adult". Even though, I think of going into Forever 21 and spending what I have I know that in July i'll be wishing that I had that extra money.
Besides our up and coming vaca and planning for that Amir and I have been contemplating whether we should move into a 2 bedroom place in our complex. It wouldn't be that much more money, however, the timing couldn't be worse. My friend is getting married in Virginia the weekend our lease ends so Amir will be here alone to move all our stuff, unless we can talk some of our friends into helping out. Also, the thought of moving again makes me cringe. I hate moving so much that I don't know if I can do it again so soon. So we're still trying to figure this one out, however, I have a feeling that we may just end up staying put.
All else is fine. Work's been real slow, but the weekends are starting to be booking up so i'm hoping this will continue. We shall see.
So til the next time!