Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So the last few weeks have been a bit depressing, and just downround strange. I'm talking about the whole death of Michael Jackson. When I first heard about it, just like so many other people, I thought that it couldn't be true. However, I quickly found out that it was. For the first few days it just didn't seem real to me. I know that Michael Jackson was in no way super human, and I knew that oneday he would pass, however I never really put it into any form of reality. There are many people who could care less about this whole thing and that's fine. I, on the other hand, have been affected. One of my best/first memories as a child was when my ma played "Thriller" on the record player. I LOVED LOVED LOVED that song!!!! Not to mention that "The Making of Thriller" was my favorite movie. Still is actually. I watched it all the time as a child.
I feel that in these last several years I've definently strayed from Michael. In my mind i've always loved him and stood by him through all of the drama that his life was, however, I wasn't buying all his cds and been totally there. That makes me feel a little sad. I feel like he was such a good person aside from the fact that he's definently the best entertainer of all time, and I just want people to see that instead of making such harsh judgements about him. We need to become a much more positive country instead of the pessimism that clouds many peoples minds.
There was something that I had to do because of the strong feelings that i've been going through these last few weeks. I wanted to show my love for Michael by getting a tribute tattoo.
So, Michael Jackson, you've touched me in a way that nobody will ever again. Michael, I love you!!! Rest in Peace