Thursday, December 16, 2010

bryan kest yoga style

last month at the yoga studio i go to i attended a seminar with bryan kest. it was pretty amazing listening to him talk about the way yoga is in india and how our country has molded it into what it is here.
i was lucky enough to snap a few photos of him speaking and i also included some of the studio itself that i practice....

Sunday, December 5, 2010

wandering stars

It's hard to believe that a year has almost gone by since we said goodbye to our little, Augustine, and just a few weeks ago we said goodbye to our beloved, Rufus. The holidays seem to not really be our time of year at all.
At this point in time last year, I never would have thought we'd be here living in Florida and having a completely different life. As the snow falls in Chicago and the temperatures creep into the 20s and even the single digits I am loving the 70 degree weather we are having here. Somehow listening to the people complaining about it getting into the 50s makes me laugh and feel even more grateful about what I do have.
It's strange to think of what our life would have been if Augustine was here, but I try not to let my mind wander into much detail about it. I am glad that her and Rufus are together somewhere in this universe of ours. I miss them both every day and try not to dwell on their absence, but moreso cherish the moments that they were here enriching my life.