Wednesday, October 24, 2007

knowing "the line"

to me there's a little thing called "grocery store etiquette" ....or shall i say "grocery LINE etiquette" yesterday i'm at the grocery store struggling to hold my grocery basket....the lady ahead of me had already put all of her things on the conveyor and was just standing there waiting to be rung up....the one thing that she didn't do was put that little bar down so that our things wouldn't be muffled see normally i wouldn't mind putting my groceries up there but this time there wasn't enough space to where both our items would be considered the same my mind putting the bar after your groceries when somebody's behind you is just what you're supposed to do...maybe i'm a little crazy because of all of the years i've worked in grocery stores..who knows?

so i ask her...."would you mind please handing me that bar?" she gives me this look like she couldnt' believe that i would ever ask such a thing.....she did hand it to me BUT the whole time she had this smirk on her face like she was too good to hand me the bar! the thing that pissed me off the most about this smirk was that she didnt' have it before i asked her and she had it almost the whole rest of the time she was in line......i really wanted to tell this lady sometimes, when you see someone staring at you forever and you just want to see "do you have a problem??" but i never do....i said nothing to the lady because i don't like to cause a scene, but i told her off a few good times in my mind while we were both still standing there...

the moral of this story is.....use good grocery store etiquette and put down the damn's really not that difficult!

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