Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Start of Something New

I wanted to get in a post before the year's end. Hopefully everyone will have a wonderful celebration on this night!!
Don't have much too say at the present, only to say that my new year's resolution for this year to be to be more positive! Something we could probably all use to do. Anyway, Happy New Year and i'll be back in 2009.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stream of Consciousness

First, I must say that today is my brother's birthday so I must say Happy Birthday to Nick!! It's the first year in two years that we've not been able to spend the day celebrating. Last year at this point, we were living in Chicago. Nick wanted to go to a bar in Andersonville to have mulled wine, which was really nice. I especially loved that they gave you a few small cookies with the wine. Nothings better than cookies and warm wine. After the wine, we went home and had some nice cake. I used to have photos of that but since those were on my previous computer they may possibly be gone. So that is my tribute to my bro.
Nothing too much has been happening. Amir and I did go to see the movie "Milk", which is about the first openly gay elected official. He was elected in San Francisco in the Castro/Haight districts. I highly recommend that everyone go see this movie. Sean Penn did an amazing job portraying Harvey Milk, as i've heard that even people who knew Harvey said the resemblance was amazing. It was such an interesting time that this movie came out because of the whole Proposition 8 issue. What is sad to me is that what homosexuals were facing the same issues that they are now 30 years ago and not a whole lot has changed. Sure, maybe things are a little bit more open and accepted now, but we still have a long way to go as we found out in California. I was so inspired after seeing this movie that it made me really want to do something for the world. I'm still not really sure what that this is yet, but for now, when I go to work I feel like i'm doing a little part. Every time somebody gets onto my massage table I feel like i'm taking them out of their lives for an hour. We all need to do something like this for ourselves whether it be through massage, yoga, meditation or whatever it may be. The US is such a go go go country that we really need to stop at some point during the day to think about ourselves.
I've just recently started subscribing to Mother Earth News magazine, which I love. It's focus is on natural living and just trying to get back to where we came from which is the earth. I've been trying little by little to use more natural products and start being more green. The sad part is that it is a bit more expensive so i'm doing as much as I can for the time being, and if i've got extra money I will definetly get the all natural detergent than the chemical based one. If we all try just a little bit, things will really start to change for the better. As we are just a small fragment of this HUGE universe we need to do what we can to make what we have great!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Never Too Late

It might be a little bit after the fact, but I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! Mine was really nice. The only that could have made it better was if my brother would have been able to make it, but he's a working man now for corporate America. Needless to say he was working(without holiday pay..thanks WalMart). Our Thanksgiving started the night before when my mom and dad came to my work to get massages by me. They were long overdue so I was glad that they were able to make it in.
After I got off of work we all drove to the apartment. Upon walking into the place was greeting us a nice aroma from Amir already having started the cooking. Mom gave him a helping hand while I talked to dad so that I wouldn't be in the way in the kitchen. Family time never happens enough these days.
Thanksgiving day we all woke up pretty early to get everything up and running. There was so much food to have that I wasn't even able try all of everything first go round, which is a pretty good feeling actually. All in all it was a great day! Anyday where you can get together with your family and have some Food, Friendship and Fun (as me and the old high school friends used to say) is a great time!