Friday, May 15, 2009

Summer Lovin

So i've been gone for a bit. There haven't been moments in my life lately worth writing, thus the hiatus. So the winter has come and thankfully gone. We have now been granted blooming trees, green grass and the occasional 70 degree sunny day. All of which are things that make me very happy these days. I've definently grown to love some of the simpler things that life has to offer: family, good friends, my dogs,good food and some warm weather. If that was all I was given i'd die happy.
I'm pretty excited for this summer to really get here because we've got some nice things planned. Things will get going a bit next week when mom and I head to Virginia for one of my good friend's wedding. They are both chefs and will be doing a lot of the cooking themselves which i'm looking forward to. Not to mention that they are also brewing their own beer! Never been to Virginia either so i'm looking forward to taking quite a few photos! The same weekend that they are getting married is me and Amir's 1 year anniversary so we'll e celebrating that upon our arrival on Sunday with some delicious Italian food. Then, of course, in July we are going to California again to chill for a few weeks in our beloved Los Angeles and San Francisco. I've been missing it since we left so i'm just counting the days until we get there. Soon after we get back from there will be Lollapolooza. I was real sad that we didn't get to go last year since the lineup was so amazing that I couldn't even think of not going this year. My bro was nice enough to buy me a ticket for my bday so he will be getting something equally amazing in return.
Below are some photos from a day with friends on Cinco de Mayo.

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