Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost a Week

So it's almost been an entire week that i've now been without Augustine in my life, and I have been feeling so emotionally unbalanced. There are times that i'll be completely fine and even be talking about this whole situation without even a tear falling to my cheek. However, at other times, I can hardly even speak of it without turning into a faucet. I don't know for sure, but I do have a feeling that these emotions are somewhat normal. Or at least I hope that that are anyway. I've decided to go talk to a counselor about this whole situation because I think it will be beneficial to talk to somebody who has experience in this area. I know that I need to move on with my life, picking up all the pieces,and I feel like she will be able to help me move on. In a way, I feel like being sad and mourning this loss is paying respect to my dear little girl. However, it's probably not the healthiest for me either to keep putting most of my focus on it day after day and not much else. I don't have any sort of network of friends here so i've basically been here at home alone left with my thoughts and feelings. For someone like me, this is not the best because I will just keep thinking about things again and again until i'm going crazy.
I am lucky enough to have a few things coming up that will keep my mind occupied.

-Going to see the family for xmas and good food
-Being able to celebrate the holidays with some good wine
-Heading to Las Vegas with mom and a fabulous massage
-A new tattoo in the works
-A new nosering in the works

So i'm hoping that things these things will keep me occupied for a little while to enjoy the holidays. I hope that everyone has a merry christmas and hopefully we can all get to our families safely with all these crazy winter storms.

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