Sunday, October 10, 2010

awaking life

Yeah, time has definitely not been on my side with this blog. I have been away and much has changed. The summer has come--the summer has gone, along with my former life. No longer am I a native of my home state of Illinois, but yet again, a resident of the sunshine state. Good ole' Florida. The husband and I felt like chasing the long forgotten "american dream" down to a place where the rent is cheap, you get much much more for your money, and where you can see the sun a lot more often.
Like most people these days, we wanna go into business for ourselves and lucky for us we have the trades to back it up. I've had a few minor setbacks with getting my license from the state, but once it gets here, i'm gonna be up and running for business. I've already got the blueprint drawn out, and am just waiting for that slip of paper which says I can legally work.
Life always feels so exciting when you go someplace new. It's like you can completely reinvent yourself if you want to and nobody would even know it. All the things that you have ever wanted to be, you can be in this new world you are creating for yourself.
Needless to say, so far in this new place, things are going pretty alright. I'm trying to relish the moments that are left of me not working. Taking advantage of the seconds that are still my own.

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