Monday, November 29, 2010

An Ode To Rufus

Last Wednesday, November 24th, 2010, Amir and I lost one of our best friend's--Rufus Jones Alexander.
He lived a very adventurous life travelling cross country by car and plane several times, along with being a resident in Florida, San Francisco, Chicago and back again in Florida. The life he lived was one filled with much love and I am so grateful to have gotten to know him as well as I did. Some dogs are just that...dogs, but Rufus had something different about him. He had so much dignity and was one of the wisest souls I have had the pleasure of meeting. I felt like he was almost human.
He was around for 13 years and the years went by much too fast. When he left he did so with the same amount of dignity that he had while he was growing into the old man that he became.
I look around at the empty places in our house where he used to lay and still see him there. He helped turn me in to the mother that I became for both him and my other boy, Melvin
Here is a little photo history of his life <3
Rufus Alexander
September 4th, 1997- November 24th, 2010

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