Tuesday, October 2, 2007

just when you think you're on track: part 2

i was starting to believe things were finally starting to come together for me...i'm getting married soon, i've recently graduated from massage school, taken the national certification test AND passed it, and i even recently had gotten, what seemed to be the best massage job i could find besides working for myself....things just really seemed to be falling into place...i started feeling really excited for the fact that soon i'd be able to start saving money for my honeymoon also to start putting money aside for me and amir's next future place...i was feeling very much like an adult and it felt great! who knew that feeling like an adult could feel so fabulous? sure it's nice to not have to ask your parents to go on the town or sleepover at your man's house, however, being an adult it kinda stressful too...
getting mail is NO longer fun it 's simply just " yay, another bill in the mail" i didn't sign up for all this..i miss the carefree days of high school and college where i didnt' have any real responsibilities...
so anyway, my life was seeming to be taking the right path...i was mainly REALLY excited to start working this new massage job...my boss is awesome, i've got great hours, i'm just extremely pumped to be working my first massage job! then the reality hits..i don't have my physical license yet..i've passed the test and sent away for the license but i still haven't recieved it yet....the worst part of it is..all you can do it wait ...the state is responsible for issuing this to us and they take the longest possible time to get send it out...they say it can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks before you see this sheet of paper...so anyway, i can't actually start this new fabulous job until i get this paper....my boss unfortunately thought i had recieved this for some reason, so now she said that she's gonna have to hire someone for my shifts...this really makes me feel horrible...it's really sad b/c i've had recieved what seems to me as the perfect job and i just have to watch it slip through my fingers and there's nothing i can physically do but wait and hope to see it in the mail...i blame all of this and much more on my school....they were a horrible school for many reasons which i will explain another time...but if they had told me i had to apply for my license this probably wouldn't be happening right now....anyway...i'm gonna go watch la ink and tori spelling's show now

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