Friday, November 30, 2007

Wasting Time

I feel as though i've been having the worst luck lately. It took me a lot of hard work and dedication, BUT I finally made it thru school and was ready for my first massage job. So, I get hired at this place that is being built and the owner KNEW that this was my first job and that I was very new into the profession. She KNEW all of this. She told me that I had "a good touch" and that she would like to do a trade or two with me. So fast forward a month and a half about three weeks after our opening. As a new MT out there, I felt really good and was feeling like I definentely picked the right career this time. I was making people feel good and also enjoyed doing it. So right around this time my boss takes me aside telling me that a few people say that I seem like a novice. Okay, well I am a novice so that's alright I guess that they think that. I might not be the best at clinical because that is not something that I have been trained in and am learning that all on my own. Anyway, to make a long story short, my job was basically in jeopardy at this point. All for something that basically, in my opinion, should have never been a question because the fact that i was new was already out there. So anyway, fast forward another week. My boss calls me on the phone and tells me that she has to give my shifts away. The reasoning being was that I "don't have enough experience". And what really pisses me off about that is that I waited almost two months for this place to open and wasn't looking for a job. So now i've wasted two months of my life basically doing nothing when I could have been looking for something that maybe could have lasted. This is what really upsets me about the whole thing. I wasted months of my life making NO money when I could have made some elsewhere. Now there's only 6 months til the wedding/honeymoon and i'm jobless. How fabulous, right???
So this whole week, i've been searching the internet for jobs and basically come up with nothing. Hopefully something decent will come along so that the last 6 months of me living here are not hell. Anyway, if anyone knows of anything keep me posted!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

to my bestest friend!

I'm such a lucky lady....just wanted to let everyone know of fabulous, Amir!

Friday, November 9, 2007

come back...don't you miss your mama??

last nite and today were a little bit depressing for me....

basically this week at work we've been getting tips from our clients and that's gonna pretty much be the majority of our paycheck, which is totally cool with me....however, i had a bit of a mishap that sort of leaves me in the dark....

for the past few days after work i'd put my tips in an envelop and then put it in a certain place that i knew in my own when i got home yesterday i went to do that same routine only when i got to this special place the envelop was NOT i figured maybe it fell or i possibly put it somewhere else...well, this turned into over an hour of looking for the money and the outcome was not good....

i cannot understand what happened to it....the only thing that i can possibly think of was that by chance it got put in the trash and thrown away...but still i feel as though this is a long shot...i do recall bringing out the trash that nite, however, i don't know why i'd have brought the envelop with me.....this is all a mystery to me...and unfortunately it feels as though something has come and wiped out part of that nite so that i can't retrace my steps and find my hard earned money.....

i'm especially sad because this was my first week of working at my new job and i have no money...nothing to show....i will get a paycheck but that is going to be very minimal compared to what it is supposed to be with all of my lovely tips......

as The Streets would say "just try and stay positive" which is honestly what i've been trying to do, but when it's been over 24 hours and it's still missing staying positive is a long shot....i wish that i could call the police and tell them of my missing fundage and they would put out a search team....not gonna happen i suppose

i guess i learned my lesson with this one....i need to be a dork and make a checklist by my bed before i go to bed every nite to make sure i put my doe in it's proper home

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

my new life!

So i've started down the new road of my life....meaning i've started my new job as a Massage Therapist and am really enjoying it!! Yesterday I gave my first massage as a licensed massage therapist and I am thoroughly enjoying my new life. FINALLY i get to have a real job...a job that not just anyone from off the street could be hired for...a job that you have to actually be trained for and have taken classes and passed many difficult tests..i'm enjoying the fact that i worked my ass off to get to where i'm at now and am working in what i can now call " My Field"...anyway, i just wanted to write because it's been so long...i'll write more later!