Tuesday, February 5, 2008

in waiting

in 2 months we are set to move ....somewhere......probably into the same apartment complex that we moved from....which in a way feels a bit strange but i'm actually looking forward to it...so basically i feel as though im in this strange transition period...where i'm trying to enjoy my last few months living here in the city knowing that i'm gonna be going soon...
i think that we had a good run here in Chicago...it was an alright city to live in, however, money always seems to enhance things...unfortunate for me, that's one thing i've not really had since we've moved here...one thing that we could have completely used some extra money for was a parking space so that we didn't have to street park...street parking is a pain in the ass!! in my hood you've got to be home by like 8 at night to secure a parking space so that you don't have to drive around for hours....and i mean hours...i've had to do it before.....this whole situation kind of puts a hinderance on one's social life.....
one thing that i really enjoy about my dear old lakeview hood is that it has such a european feel to it...i can walk to pretty much anything..groceries, shopping, bars..they are literally a block away...it's just a really good place for walking and being outside which is one thing that i am missing right now here in subzero chicago....it seems for days that the sun is nonexistent which makes me understand (sorta) why there's so many overweight people in this state. however, this is still no excuse for it..i still walk to and from the gym in 10 degree weather...maybe i'm crazy, maybe i'm not...all i know is that i've got a wedding dress to look fancy in....
so that's all for now i think......i'm sure that i'll be back sooner than later since with this part time job i've got that's what it really, truly is...i work two maybe three times a week if i'm lucky.....
later people...if there even are any people that read this blog i have no idea

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