Thursday, February 7, 2008

they are my world

when i was young i always wanted some kind of furrycreature in which i could pet and love...however, the fact that my brother was allergic to any kind of animal with hair made this basically impossible...during my youth we went through a number of different kinds of pets...we had things from lizards, to mice, to fish, and i think that is about it...i REALLY loved the lizard!! i still remember one specific day that i went to elementary school and was SOOO excited to come home to play with my new favorite friend, but when i got home he was mom took him to our rental house and let him go..WITHOUT even asking me! i mean, she was the one who had to take care of the thing so i guess that's probably why...the only part that interested me about it was it..not the cleaning and the taking care of that was that...

during college i really could have cared less about having a pet...i was not ever home and didnt have time for one...once i met amir i quickly fell in love with his dog, this time Rufus was 5 years old and although he previously had a mother figure i was the one around and i was taking that roll..i love it so much!!! a few years later we adopted my dog..little melvin...when we found him on the street he was no more than a month old and he reminded me of one of those KayBee toys dogs that walks two steps and flips...walks two more steps and flips again...he was the cutest thing i had ever seen...i'm SOO grateful to have them both....i do not have any children but my dogs feel like my children....i am the world to them...i feed them, play with them, and love seems so unfair that dogs do not really live that long of lives compared to their owners...amir and i sometimes joke about cloning the dogs, but i think it would be more creepy than comforting after they are no more...

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