Tuesday, July 29, 2008

it's my birthday

I just wanted to say a quick something because it's the last hour of my 28th birthday. It still feels strange to be 28 because when I was in my teens and even my early twenties 28 seemed a bit old. The thing that really matters is that I don't feel old right? They say you're not old until you start feeling that way.

So the family came up today and we went to one of my favorite chains...Olive Garden. It was pretty nice actually. Had a nice pasta dish and was able to satisfy my need for some fabulous italian food. Before/after dinner we all hung out at our place...played a little cards...got a few gifts and was perfectly content. All in all, it was a nice day. My parent's left and my bro stayed here with us and will be here for the next few days which is pretty exciting, as we've not really seen too much of each other for several weeks.

It's funny to think when I was young my birthday was such a HUGE deal. I wanted to have many gifts, friends, cake, ice cream...pretty much I wanted the whole sha-bang. Now i'm completely happy hanging out with my family, maybe getting a few gifts and having some cake. Funny how things change in less than 10 years.

Hope everyone had a good July 29th!

PS: This was my first birthday as a married woman and it's pretty cool!

Friday, July 25, 2008

So after a looooong hiatus i am back. I am back as a newly married lady with a different name...Melissa Alexander. It sounds so official and i'm still getting used to it. Got married in May. May 24th, to be exact in Vegas at Caesars Palace. It was a lot of fun and I didnt want it to end. We had about 20 of our really good friends, and the day flew by. I know that everyone told me that, but it really did. The whole day and really the whole honeymoon too. After the wedding, Amir and I drove to San Francisco. It was amazing. I'd never driven out west like that and i'm so glad that we decided to drive instead of fly. It was so nice to be able to see the real west. So much desert and just open space. It was beautiful!! Got to take some amazing photos and they are on my flickr site. I could go on and on about San Francisco and how amazingly beautiful it was, but instead i'll stop here. I left with good memories and I still have visions of it almost everyday about how much I want to live there. From San Francisco we drove to Los Angeles, and I always love LA. Got to see some really good friends, do some much needed shopping, go to some farmers markets and just enjoy the California life. Oneday we really want to move there!!! Hopefully in the next few years we can pull that one off!

Now we're living the married life in the burbs of Chicago. Life's good, working A LOT at my new massage career. I like doing massage, not particularly the place though, but at least i'm getting experience. Think i'm gonna start marketing myself to get some at home business which is what i'd rather be doing anyway.

That's about all i've got for now. I'm gonna try and start writing a bit more regularly with some updates of just regular life. The dogs are good, family's good. Peace. Enjoy the photos !!