Tuesday, July 29, 2008

it's my birthday

I just wanted to say a quick something because it's the last hour of my 28th birthday. It still feels strange to be 28 because when I was in my teens and even my early twenties 28 seemed a bit old. The thing that really matters is that I don't feel old right? They say you're not old until you start feeling that way.

So the family came up today and we went to one of my favorite chains...Olive Garden. It was pretty nice actually. Had a nice pasta dish and was able to satisfy my need for some fabulous italian food. Before/after dinner we all hung out at our place...played a little cards...got a few gifts and was perfectly content. All in all, it was a nice day. My parent's left and my bro stayed here with us and will be here for the next few days which is pretty exciting, as we've not really seen too much of each other for several weeks.

It's funny to think when I was young my birthday was such a HUGE deal. I wanted to have many gifts, friends, cake, ice cream...pretty much I wanted the whole sha-bang. Now i'm completely happy hanging out with my family, maybe getting a few gifts and having some cake. Funny how things change in less than 10 years.

Hope everyone had a good July 29th!

PS: This was my first birthday as a married woman and it's pretty cool!

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