Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Doing it on my own!

The other day I found something out that I pretty much knew, but just made me a little more frustrated, than I was prior. This all having to do with my place of employment. Let me just give you a little info about my work. I work in a spa/salon. We are located in a hotel...the salon is upstairs and we are in the basement. There are NO windows and we usually keep it pretty dark down there to keep the spa "mood". So before I started working there, they had had several floods in the basement where the spa is located. I was told that there have been at least 4 to 5 floods in the past 5 years. In this time, the carpet was NEVER replaced. I guess that my coworkers were told that the carpet would be replaced by February of this year and that has never happened. So because of all of the flooding and water that was down there, there has been a growth of mold that has happened. AND it's STILL THERE!! There has been nothing done, and the worst part is that corporate knows about it and says that there is no mold and that everything is fine. This is so infuriating to me because this is something that is harmful to peoples' health. I have already experienced symptoms of mold exposure. It has definentely affected my breathing, I cough when i'm there and ONLY when i'm there, and sometimes my eyes burn. All of which are symptoms of mold exposure. I've already decided that I DON'T want to be pregnant while I work there because I dont want to expose my unborn child to it. I signed a contract with this company stating that I have to stay with them for one year or I have to pay money, which I heard some people haven't had to pay. But we'll see. So here are my goals for these next 7 months so I can prepare myself to get outta this place!

* Hand my business cards out to everyone/Market myself as much as possible!!
* Get certified in pregnancy massage
* Learn some new deep tissue techniques
* Get more massages for research
* Move into a house so that I have my own massage space

Those are just a few goals for this next year so that I can get my own business going. I know that people enjoy my massages and I feel like I know how to make people feel good so I just need to get my own clients so that I dont have to wait around to get booked or not get booked. So if you or anyone you know (if anyone even reads this) needs a massage let me know!! I'd love to work with you!


mary catherine said...

I wish I could hire you as my personal masseuse! Of course you'd have to live in my basement, which is probably moldy too...

It's so good to put your goals out there into the world. That reminds me I need to set some new ones for myself!


Mel said...

i SOOOO wish that you could hire me too..haha..that would be awesome! that would mean i'd be in new york..yay! that's another goal..new york, or maybe still california...that's always a goal