Thursday, August 21, 2008

European Vacation

(the matterhorn in switzerland)

I'm already getting really excited for next summer!! My mom's friend's son is getting married in Bristol, England next July and my mom has been acting like she wants to go. She doesn't like flying anywhere alone which is where I come in. I will be her flying to England/vacation partner! This makes me SO happy because i've not been to England since 2001, when I came back from my last abroad program in London. It's crazy to think that in a matter of two years I went to Europe/England and beyond 4 different times and since then have NOT been back. Until I went to California, London was my favorite place, so it's gonna be cool if this really does happen. I did some really good shopping there, and ate a lot of delicious food. Camden Market and Oxford Street here we come!! And Wagamama!!! Yay! My mom has never been abroad before so i'm looking forward to show her all of what her and my dad's money was paying for while I was there. haha! Not sure if we'll be going to any other countries while we're visiting. It might just be a London vacation which is fine with me. I'll be completely happy with that. I'm hoping to get out to Cali next summer too so all in all it's gonna be like a 3 week thing. Not too concerned with what work tells me because i'm taking it no matter what! For me to stay sane I need to be able to get outta where i'm at and vacate for a bit. So should everyone. Americans work too much, if you ask me and need to be more like Europeans. I love the idea of the siesta!! We need more of those!

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