Friday, August 22, 2008

A Day at the Park

Friday is a day that I am always looking forward to because it's the only day that both Amir and I have off of work. I'm forever grateful for this day. Today we dccided that we'd bring the dogs to the park and let them run around. This is something that we didn't get to do enough of this summer, as it seemed as though there were always something else going on. So we wanted to let the dogs have some fun and just be able to run around on the grass hanging out soaking in the sun. This is one of Rufus's favorite things to do as he is a Florida/California dog. I'm jealous of him because he got to live in San Francisco, and I haven't. Haha...jealous of a dog. I think i'm crazy! Anyway, besides that today was a day of relaxing and not doing too much. Tomorrow's Saturday which means a day of probably 9 massages and the other day I woke up feeling like my right index finger was jammed. Still feels that way so tomorrow's gonna be a lot of fun. I am going to an orthopedic doctor in a few weeks for my hands so maybe he'll find something. Hopefully, I just minorly strained it in some way.
So after the park we dropped the dogs off and went to eat at Sweet Tomatoes which I always love. It feels like a somewhat healthy buffet. It's a salad/soup/pasta buffet and I thorougly enjoy it. I posted a few pictures up on flickr of the park. Bout it for now. Peace out!

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