Saturday, August 9, 2008

So tired!

I remember when Saturdays used to be a day that I always looked forward to. A day that you basically were able to do nothing, when weekends actually mattered. When people talk about the weekend it feels as though I have no idea what they are talking about it's been that long since i've not worked weekends. In my life what Saturday means is money. It means that everyone that has "regular" jobs and "regular" hours will be coming to see me. The thought of having a 9 to 5 job excites me because I always end up getting put to work in the evening, even though I would rather be working in the morning. On a regular fully booked schedule for me, I am booked for 9 massages. That may sound like a lot, and it kind of is. However, this is the day that I make the most money because we're obviously the busiest. When I was in massage school the thought of doing 3 massages in a row was crazy! I can hardly believe that I can do 9 in one day. The good part is that i've for sure, built up an endurance to be able to work through them all, and when i've done them all if I had to I could do 1 or 2 more. But the end of it all, I am SOOOO tired and am ready to go home, sit on the couch, and watch whatever netflix we have at the moment. And with that i'm off to eat some dinner (amir made veggie fried rice..yay!! )

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