Tuesday, August 5, 2008

stormy nights

Last night was a bit scary for us people in the suburbs of Chicago. We had some fierce storms going on here... some of which turned into tornadoes. I had not much of an idea that there would be such a vicious storm, but when I had gone to the store earlier it looked a tiny bit dark...didn't think much of it though. I was watching some show on tv when all of a sudden the Chicago weather people came on saying there were some storms coming our way some of which some may be turning into tornadoes. Probably less than 5 minutes later the wind started picking up and the rain started coming down. The lightning was a lot more than what I really feel comfortable with. I made sure to have a flashlight in hand for the both of us JUST in case the power were to go out. Since things looked not so good outside we decided that the best place in the house to be would be the bathroom since there were no windows and it happens to be the most closed place in the apartment. So I loaded all the dogs in there and tried to get them to calm down a bit. Rufus was looking nervous, and melvin was shaking quite a bit. I tried petting them to calm them, but that wasn't working too good, so Amir gave them some old bones that were in the fridge that he had been meaning to give to them earlier in the week. As soon as they saw the bones they were happy and forgot about the storm for a bit. All of this was happening, while we had the tv on to keep ourselves updated on the storm situation. So we hear that there was a funnel cloud spotted in Carol Stream which freaked me out a bit because we LIVE in Carol Stream. Not cool!! It wasn't long after this that the lights flickered on and off a bit. I felt a little bit as though I was in a scary movie. My mind was going a little crazy while I was trying to keep it cool for Amir and the dogs..I know that when we have a little one around i'll totally have to keep calm in these kinds of situations because they most likely will be scared....SOO..I just pretended to be as strong as my parents' always seemed to me when I was young.

After they came on the tv saying that there was a funnel cloud, we never really heard anything more about it, which I took as a good thing because maybe it had disappeared. It wasn't much longer before they came on saying that the storm was moving on thank gosh!! It was moving more toward the city, however, the lightning was still pretty fierce but we were able to come out of the bathroom and move on with our night of watching our regular Monday night tv...Intervention.

Today I heard that there was an actual tornado in Bloomingdale which is less than 5 minutes from us!!!!!

Yay, we are alive to tell the story....haha....

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