Sunday, August 3, 2008

Simple Things

The past 4 days have been so fabulous! Originally, I was planning on going to my 10 year high school reunion this weekend, however, that plan didn't quite surface. Basically nobody that I was actually friends with was going so I figured that I wouldn't go either and risk the fact of looking like I once again didn't quite fit in. Instead of that, Amir, me, and the dogs chose to go to Marseilles anyway, but to visit my parents and brother.

This past Tuesday was my birthday so the fam came up to hang out with me and then we went to eat at Olive Garden. From here, Nick decided to stay with us til we went to Marseilles on Saturday. It was nice to have him around again. Felt a little bit like the old Chicago times when we all used to be roommates. I do miss him, but it's good to be living our own lives again. Hopefully he figures out what he's doing with his life, but I know exactly where he's act because even now sometimes I feel like i'm still not really sure what the hell i'm doing. So, if you're reading this and you're in the film industry, my brother NEEDS work ASAP!

Anyway, so yesterday we drove down to my parents house to hang out with them. It was a pretty low key day. Played a little cards with my ma, ate some good homegrown food from their garden and did some much needed relaxing. While we were there Amir got the good ole Buick Riviera up and running again, after a much anticipated time. We had to park it there for the whole 2 years that we were living in Chicago so Camille was extremely happy to hear that we were taking her back home with us.

One thing that I had been wanting to do for several months now was drive into the hills of my hometown, if you can really call them that. haha. There is a farmer or group of farmers that have put some energy windmills up there and i've been obsessed with taking pictures of them for a long time. So finally we got to drive up there getting as close to them as possible and take some photos. I completely forgot how beautiful it is up there because the last time that I was probably up there was in high school when I know that I wouldn't have appreciated the land quite as much. I don't think that I would say that I want to live in the country, but it was such a good feeling out there. It really feels like you're in the midwest when you're out there.

Just not being at work is a good feeling in itself but it was nice to be able to see my family after a few months. Soon enough it will be back to the everyday grind of life. Hopefully my hands will hold up!

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