Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the good life

The last week has been a pretty good one. I've never really had an official photo shoot, but on Friday I had one with my friend, Omayra. I picked a few spots around my hood that I thought would have some nice scenery and she brought a bunch of different outfits to change into. I took a million photos and posted some a few days ago. If you want to see more check out this site: www.flickr.com/photos/melissajanke . They aren't there yet, but they will be in the next few days.
Today one of my best friends and her husband came to town. She's been my best friend since like 3rd grade and a few years ago moved to Arkansas to be nearer to her family. Anyway, they came in to hang out with me and Amir. It's always so much fun, because we don't have any married/couple friends here so it's always good to see each other. So we met at the mall and I ended up getting the sprint version of the I Phone. Until now, i've been wanting to get the Blackberry, but found out it was a bit different than I thought so the I Phone was the way to go. It feels so strange to have something that has always seemed so fancy to me, but im most def excited. I'll keep you posted on my progress learning to use the thing. Haha.
Anyway, i'm out for now to watch Dancing. Peace out!

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