Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good Times

I remember when I was younger and all of my friends lived in the same town as me. Then I grew up, went to college out of state and met a lot of different people, from a lot of different places. Some of these even included different countries. The summer after college graduation, I got used to saying goodbye what seemed like every week to someone. Basically from then on, i'm lucky to have 5 friends in the same town. At times I feel as though I don't even have friends, but then I just remember how I do HAVE friends, they are just all scattered.

That's what made this past weekend so exciting. I had two friends come to visit. My friend, Caitlin who came in on Thursday and then, Nick who i'd see Saturday. It was just such a good feeling to go shopping, have coffee, and just hang out with my really good friends. It's a great feeling when you can have a glass of wine and a good conversation with someone. Especially, when they see things in the world the same way that you see them. I won't go into details about all that we did and whatnot, but only want to say that your friends really do feel like they are part of your family, and never take them for granted because once you get older it isn't as easy to find good friends like when you were back in school. Therefore, the people that you do become friends with when you're older really are true friends because you are choosing to hang out with them and didn't just grow up with them.

I took a few photos of me and Caitlin. Unfortunately, I didn't get one of me and Nick which just makes it even more clear that I must go to visit him and his lady in Canada!!! Haha. And I will leave with the advantages of having friends all over the place

-free places to stay

-get to visit places you may never go

-always fun to vacation with friends

-new restaurants to check out

-and of course, new places of scenery for photos!

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