Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Brush Yo Teeth!!

(me showing my fabulous set of teeth)

For the past month I have been having so much anxiety of this day. About three weeks ago I went to the dentist after not really going for 5 years. The majority of those years I didn't have insurance and didn't make going to the dentist any kind of priority...Until NOW. Three weeks ago when I went to the dentist, it wasn't a good time. I felt as though I had failed some kind of test, because he kept reading off tooth after tooth that needed to be filled or possibly root canaled. So needless to say, I didn't want this day to ever come. I guess in a way I did want it to come too so that I could start getting some of these things taken care of.
Fast forward to today, basically he did three fillings for me. I was excited that they were not the old scary mercury fillings and instead were ones that are the same color as your teeth. So the only people that will know that I have a filling are in the dental industry. Anyway, I brought along my ipod because the thing that makes me the most nervous about going to the dentist is hearing all of the equipment. Let me tell you there were some crazy sounds that were happening in my mouth today so I was oh so thankful for that ipod. He gave me 2 shots of anesthetic to completely numb my right hand side. I'm not a big fan of the feeling you get from numbing, as it leaves me feeling crazy and like i'm talking as a drunken fool. Anyway, I have a feeling it felt better than feeling what he was actually doing. He filled 3 fillings for me today and it wasn't really as scary as I thought. After having a root canal done last summer nothing has really topped that one...except maybe getting a tooth pulled (which I hope NEVER happens). All in all I kinda broke the bank with how much all of this is gonna cost me, but at least I won't have to feel like my mouth is a scary mess of decay. Gotta go back for round two in a few weeks but now that I know what to expect i'm not too afraid of it. So everyone, make sure that you and your children learn how important it is to floss and brush everyday too. Listerine is also a wonderful thing to have in your life. Not too sure on the whole fluoride thing, but do yourself a favor and...Brush Your Teeth!!!

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