Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is Not a Dream

Even before I got pregnant I knew that I wanted to have a doula attend my birth. Just to have another body there who's gone this the whole process to make me feel okay will really help put my mind at ease. Lucky for me I have a very unfased, stress-free husband that I know will be helpful in this same way.

I've been doing my research online, looking for potential doulas in my area whom I could meet and see if the connection is there. Last week I was lucky enough to meet the lady who has now become our doula. As soon as we introduced ourselves it was as if we had met several times before. I got a great feeling from her right away. Of course, I had my list of questions to ask her in which to see if she was on the same page with what I had in mind. I was lucky enough to find out that she did. It was really great how much we did have in common. Amir and I left that meeting knowing that she would be the one who would attend our child's birth.

Things couldn't be coming along any better I feel. I have a midwife that I really trust and know has my concerns at heart, and now I have a doula that Amir and I adore. With the 5th month soon approaching i'm starting to get more and more excited. It's becoming more real to me everyday. Today we went to visit my family and they gave us our first child's gift. A shirt with Jimi Hendrix on it!! When I saw that it made everything even more real. This is not a dream. In 6 months I will have a child that will be wearing this shirt and taking all of my time!!! My life isn't just gonna be my life anymore. It's gonna be ours. Amir and I are gonna have a family member that has our own blood running through it. The thought is amazing to me.

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