Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Never Saw it Coming

It turns out the we were wrong with our prognosis from earlier. What our unborn child suffers from is called Holoprosencepaly, meaning that the brain hasn't formed properly, and because there are missing parts to the brain this has affected the forming of the face.
As of the other day, my plan was,because the child will never have a life where it is even able to be conscious, that I would go to the hospital to be induced and birth the child. However, yesterday we learned that the insurance will not cover this procedure because my life isn't at risk. What they don't seem to understand is that my life is completely at risk because in the next 4 months ,and maybe even more, all of the emotional stress can and probably will come out physically.
The whole thing with the insurance still shocks me. We went through many avenues with the insurance. We had my husband's work call from the corporate level. We had my midwife call. We had my midwive's financial advisor call and nothing came of it. So now i'm forced to go through this pregnancy until the end whether the baby dies in utero, or comes out alive. This is a completely life changing situation that I never saw coming. I guess that nobody ever would.
If anyone reading this knows of any support groups with parents of children with this horrible disease i'd appreciate to be informed on this information. I'm doing as much research as I can and trying to live everyday just as that.


MC said...


MC said...



so much love to you...

Jeff and Anne McNutt said...

Melissa I am so sorry for you! You have been on my mind lots lately. I have been praying for you and your husband. I can not imagine your pain. My husband and I just recently suffered a miscarriage at 10 weeks, it was devastating. I know that once we found out the baby had passed away all we wnated was to have the D&C and try to get closure and move forward. I am so sorry that our lovely healthcare system is holding you back from having the closure that I am sure you desire. I had a friend who had a similar situation to yours and they to had to wait until she went into labor on her own. I know the process was excruciatingly difficult but they were blessed with another healthly child soon after the loss. I know that words do not help right now but please know that I am praying for you daily. If you need someone to talk to I would be glad to be that someone! I am so sorry that you are going through all of this, YUCK!!!!!!

Mel said...

thanks MC for the sites..i had checked those out and found some people on their that have had similiar situations..also found a page on facebook which has been really helpful.
anne, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers..that is very nice...it is definitely a very difficult time, one luckily a lot of people don't have to go through..the healthcare system has pretty much completely let me down..i've still been calling them everyday but nothing has changed so far...i'm having my doctor file an urgent appeal with them so hopefully something will change...if not i guess we're in this for the full term..thank you again for your kind words