Thursday, October 4, 2007

7 Reasons Why My Massage School Sucked

It's really sad that my massage school was only in it for the money. They could care less if you are a practicing MT or if you even finish your clinicals. I think that the worst part of it all is that only two of us graduated out of a class of seven, and unforunately, I would never recommend this school to anyone. So many things have happened during my time in this program that I even question their accredibility. So here are the 7 main reasons why my massage school sucked.

1. "Our school" was hired to do attend a chair massage event. There was one girl from my class who attended and during one of her massages the guy asked her the name of the place she worked. She responded to him by saying that she was a student. Our teacher quickly pulled her aside and said " don't tell anyone that you're a student. they think that you are a professional".

2. Our school was hired to do a chair massage event in the suburbs so that meant that we had to all drive there. Days after we all signed up for this our teacher tells us, "oh yeah, by the way, you each have to pay for parking and that is gonna cost you $15". We only found out that we had to pay for our own parking about 3 days before the event. This is a lot of money for students to pay.

3. We were going to be attending yet another chair massage event. This time our teacher told us the day before, "make sure to bring your own paper towels". He tells us this as he's walking away from us down the hallway. We asked why don't they provide them for us b/c it's something we need for our education? He responds by telling us that he wants to teach us to be sole proprietors of our own businesses. So this was a step in that direction.

4. In our curriculum it said that we were going to be studying accupressure which made me extremely excited. Unfortunately, when we actually started in the class I was not impressed. Our teacher was a really cute little asian women who didn't have the best english speaking skills. In my opinion, when you're a teacher i could care less if you're cute...what i care about is if you can speak the language. It was frustrating b/c you could tell she knew her shit but wasn't always able to express it the way she liked, which in turn made it frustrating for her students.

5. It was the day of my last clinical and i was given my transcripts by my teacher. On the way home i am looking at it and notice that the date was typed incorrectly. I immediately call her and tell her this b/c she's already sent in a copy to the NCBTMB for my test application. I had to tell her to correct this and immediately send another one or this would delay the whole test application process. She tells me, okay i'll fix it and send it out. In the meantime I leave for Cali for two weeks. I come back and call her to make sure that she's done this. By this time almost a month has gone by. She tells me "oh my gosh, Mel, i completely forgot". A month had gone by and nothing had been done. Why am i not suprised?

6. My friend and i go to take the national cert test the exact same day. We had been studying for this test forever and shouldn't have had any problems. I get in there and am sitting there freaking out in my mind b/c the test we were taking i had not been prepared for. We were not taught this stuff at all. So i pass, my friend doesn't. I end up coming to find out that there are two tests and our school prepared us for "the other one"!!!! Never did they tell us what one we were supposed to sign up for. All of the study guides for the test that they gave us said massage AND BODYWORK. All in all my friend has to pay another $200 to take this again when she shouldn't have to. And she has to wait another few months. Such a waste

7. And the biggest problem that everyone in my class had with our school was the way that they approached clinicals. We had to bring in 35 of our own people. Plus they each had to pay $45/hour. For those of us who aren't from Chicago, that is hard to do. Plus alot of my friends don't have that kind of money. The school's only help was when someone would call in every now and then and ask for a student massage. The only advertising was on the school's website. Unfortuately, only me and one other person out of 6 students actually finished their clinicals. The rest of the students are still struggling to find people to come in. It's a very sad situation

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