Friday, October 5, 2007

mouth wars!

i think that i've proven to myself that i'm stronger than i may have thought.....a few months ago i was having a small amount of pain in my far back top tooth.....figured that i'd just need a filling..nothing more...however, i hadn't been to the dentist in a while b/c of the fact that i have no insurance....i probably should have been going back at least once a year for a routine cleaning....but i guess there's a lot of things that should be done....
so i get to the dentist, this is a new dentist b/c my family dentist basically flat out lied to my dad (telling him one time that he would give him a free filling b/c he didn't like the way that one of them looked....then when dad went to get it the dentist acted like he said nothing of the sort) i'm at a new dentist all alone which is a pretty scary thing in itself b/c the dentist can be a really frightening place with all of the dentist tools that make horrible screeching and drilling sounds....i told him what my problem was and he's like " you don't need a filling, you need a root canal". i was kind of in shock b/c of the simple fact that i just started feeling pain...when you need to have a root canal it's b/c something not so good has been happening to your tooth for a while...i'm really confused why i never felt really anything at all until like a week before i went to the dentist.....
when he told me i needed a root canal i didnt even know how much they cost or anything...i was just planning on maybe spending $150.....well, he told me it would cost $800 and that's not even with a freaking crown!!! it didn't seem like i had much of a choice so i unfortunately had to break into my secret stash of cash....
so not only do i have to go through a root canal which i had no idea what to freaking expect but i also had to pay a shitload of money and still not be able to afford a crown.......i was pretty strong during the whole process....the worst part of the whole root canal was the shot of anesthesia that they give at the beginning...i didn't really care for may me feel really weird and kinda like i was gonna die b/c, he gave me the shot and then i'm sitting there waiting for this stuff to kick in and not sure what to times i felt as though i was gonna die b/c i could hardly swallow...that was a little scary to after it kicks in he comes back and starts the actual root canal....i kept my eyes closed cuz i didn't want to see anything that was being used in my reminded me of when i was younger riding on rollercoasters..basically i could get through anything as long as my eyes were closed....the sounds of all the different drills, and machines he was using made me cringe for a lot of it and thank god for the armrests on those chairs b/c i was holding onto it for dear life....
all in all i made it through.....however, today i had to go back yet again....b/c there was a part of my tooth that chipped off of that same tooth...i guess cuz the tooth is dead it basically needs to be crowned immediately but because i'm poor we'll see if there's even a tooth to crown by the time i can afford it.....
the lesson of this story is : DON'T spend ALL of your money on clothes and eating out...put some of it toward your annual teeth will save you a lot of agony!!

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