Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Family Ties

Last weekend was pretty exciting as we were given a free photog session with the dogs at our vet. They are giving us a free photo for being their customer which is actually kind of cool. So after getting ready we loaded the dogs in the car and took off down the street to the vet. Upon getting there, a note was on the door that which said that they wanted one of us to stay out with the dogs and the other person go check in. After letting them know we were there, we sat outside for only a few minutes before they came to get us. The set up was a little bit small for having two good size dogs walking through, trying to avoid knocking their camera equipment with their tails. Also, there dogs were a bit apprehensive about being there because they know what usually happens at this place. The setting was this: there was a big backdrop there which went halfway up to the ceiling and was on the floor for us to sit on. I knew that getting both of the dogs on there and sitting was going to be a task, and I really hoped that it was gonna happen at all! The 4 of us were all standing along the side and he called first for Amir and Melvin to head onto the backdrop. He had Amir kneel and then wanted Melvin to sit right next to him, but getting Melvin do actually do this, took a bit of time. Melvin didn't really feeling like sitting, but instead when Amir had him sit, Melvin would fall all the way down and then would turn over on his back like he wanted to be pet. He did this like 4 times before he finally sat.
The photographer then called for me and Rufus. Rufus took a few tried before he finally wanted to sit, and he went ahead and laid down on all fours. After a few minutes he sat as he should. Within seconds, the photographer took like 4 different photos. The dogs seemed to be cooperating which was nice and after less than 2 minutes the whole thing was over. We brought the dogs to the car and went back in to check out how they turned out. Unfortnately, the ones that the dogs looked good, the photographer told Amir to stare off into space, which looked a little bit strange. The ones that we looked good in, the dogs were looking as nice, but we ended up picking one of those instead. Anyway, it was a good time, and i'm looking forward to getting our family portrait!

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