Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some Inspiration

So winter is fast approaching and i've decided that i've got to make the best of it. There are some nice things about the winter months. It's always a nice feeling to be able to curl up on the couch with some hot tea/coffee and be lazy in front of the tv. During the summer I almost feel guilty doing this because I should totally be outside enjoying the weather. Especially since the summer goes by so quickly.
This winter I am gonna try and start some new things. I've had my photo printer for a few years now and have hardly used it, which is awful. I need to start printing out some of my favorite photos and sell them at . I've actually been wanting to do this for a while, but just have either not had the time or been lazy. So now i'm making it my new years resolution to become more productive. At work lately there have been so many slow days that if I had my photos printed out, i'd be able to make cards/post cards, etc.
For a while now, Amir has been working on his album. He's made all of the beats, wrote all the rhymes, and is performing/memorizing them all which in turn is inspiring me. Back in college I was always moved by something. Whether it was all the museums and countries that I saw or all of the plays I watched,I was always somehow immersed in art. After college ends you have to do the work and find the art yourself ,otherwise it's all too easy to get wrapped up in the everyday of working and life.
There will be more photos soon, and if you feel like looking at the ones that are up

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