Friday, November 27, 2009

The Secret is Almost Out

This week is the big week!! This week we get to find out the sex of our little one. I'm pretty excited about this because i'm ready to start calling it by name and not it anymore. It's a bit hard to believe that in 3 days I am already gonna be 20 weeks pregnant. My belly is still not all that big. Although I can definitely tell a difference mostly in everything I wear. Things that used to be a bit lose or fit just right are becoming a little snug these days. I'll be needing to invest in a new winter coat soon because of this same situation. Unfortunately, I still don't feel as though I really "look" pregnant. If you didn't know me, you'd just assume that I had a not super in shape set of abs. Or maybe, if you do know me,but hadn't seen me in a while you may just think the same thing. Amir said that because i'm a little self conscious of looking fat, that he'd make me a shirt that says "i'm pregnant, not fat"..just to make me feel better about myself. I'm probably a little insane about this whole gaining weight thing especially since so far i've really only gained like 10 pounds. However, it's all about the baby is what I just keep telling myself.
Aside from the whole weight ordeal, i've been feeling alright this second trimester. At the beginning of this trimester I was still feeling pretty run down and drained, but lately i've been feeling more energy coming on which is great! Heartburn has become my new frenemy. I have been told that the more heartburn you have the more hair your child will have, so we'll see if this is true. I'm not sure how the two coincide, but that would be interesting if it were the case. With Amir's head of hair, I wouldn't doubt it at all.
I think that I may have felt a kicking or "fluttering", but since I have no idea what it feels like i'm not sure. However, I have once in a while been feeling a little something down there, so that just might be what it is. If so, then that's pretty amazing. The whole kicking this kind of excites me and makes me a little nervous all at once, but i'm taking this whole thing all one day at a time and trying to enjoy being pregnant. Trying to savour every minute of it. Trying to read up on as much as I can and be as prepared as I can for next spring.
There will be more photos coming before too long. I've been wanting to start showing a bit more before I did more just so that there is more of a difference. So stay tuned for that.

I'm a Blessed Girl

Yesterday was such an amazing day. I am so blessed and thankful to have an amazing husband, the best family, and great friends. It was truly a day of just that. We had Thanksgiving at our place for the 6th year in a row. Once again i've been blessed to have a husband who's amazing at everything he does, one of which happens to be cooking delicous food that you would normally have to pay big bucks for. So that was basically the day. A day of celebrating being together with a lot of delicious food. I was a big distracted this year and didn't take as many photos, so here are just a few from our day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is Not a Dream

Even before I got pregnant I knew that I wanted to have a doula attend my birth. Just to have another body there who's gone this the whole process to make me feel okay will really help put my mind at ease. Lucky for me I have a very unfased, stress-free husband that I know will be helpful in this same way.

I've been doing my research online, looking for potential doulas in my area whom I could meet and see if the connection is there. Last week I was lucky enough to meet the lady who has now become our doula. As soon as we introduced ourselves it was as if we had met several times before. I got a great feeling from her right away. Of course, I had my list of questions to ask her in which to see if she was on the same page with what I had in mind. I was lucky enough to find out that she did. It was really great how much we did have in common. Amir and I left that meeting knowing that she would be the one who would attend our child's birth.

Things couldn't be coming along any better I feel. I have a midwife that I really trust and know has my concerns at heart, and now I have a doula that Amir and I adore. With the 5th month soon approaching i'm starting to get more and more excited. It's becoming more real to me everyday. Today we went to visit my family and they gave us our first child's gift. A shirt with Jimi Hendrix on it!! When I saw that it made everything even more real. This is not a dream. In 6 months I will have a child that will be wearing this shirt and taking all of my time!!! My life isn't just gonna be my life anymore. It's gonna be ours. Amir and I are gonna have a family member that has our own blood running through it. The thought is amazing to me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Meeting the Midwife

So i'm a bit behind on writing this, as i've been in my own world lately. I wanted to still write and talk about how I have a new doctor. A midwife to be exact. From all that i've been reading i've just really been wanting to find a midwife because if I were to find the right one, they would be on the same birth wavelength that I am.
When I got to her office I noticed something so great about the office decore. They had an entire bulletin board set up of photos of babies and their mothers. It was so great to see that. Such a bulletin board of happiness and recognition. The place had a much warmer feeling to it than did the place I had previously gone to. Soon I was brought to a room and the midwife pretty quickly after came in. She came in and introduced herself with a warm greeting and immediately told me congratulations. As soon as I met her and we started talking I felt completely comfortable with her. I started asking her questions from my page long list and she was happy and gracious to answer every single one of them. Something that I really loved was that i'd ask her one question and she'd answer like 3 or 4 of them in just one response. Her answers were corresponded very much with what i'm wanting for my birth, and it didn't take me long to decide that she would be the one. I left the office so happy that I had made an appointment to meet her and that I had a midwife who seemed as though she actually cared about my well being.
That was the first time since I first went to the doctor the first month that i've actually begun to feel good about the birth of this baby. I think that we are going to be okay.