Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 weeks too Late

Just when I am actually starting to feel about 1% better, I get a letter in the mail to make me relive it all again. Today I recieved a letter from my insurance company that says now because of the Predetermination request sent to them from my midwife's office, they decided that they will cover my induction procedure. Only they have sent this to me 2 weeks TOO LATE!!! This is so frustrating to me because this was information that I needed weeks ago. The state of Illinois has a law stating you can only terminate your pregnancy up to 24 weeks and today I am well over that limit. It would honestly have made me feel better if the letter said that they still wouldn't cover it instead of now telling me that it is medically necessary. I knew that it was medically necessary weeks ago, but they didn't seem to wanna hear it. I was told to have my midwife's office write Urgent on it which they did. However, the information that I didn't know until today was that even if you write urgent on it, they stil have between 2 to 3 weeks to give you a response. I am just so frustrated by anything having to do with my inusurance company. I know that inusurance companies are businesses and they are in it to not to pay for as much as they can get away with, but the people that they are dealing with are people who have to live with their decisions every day. Just makes me wish that we lived in a world where people actually cared about the well being of other people.

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