Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Moving On

I decided to step out of my comfort zone today and go to a cardio class at the gym. The past few weeks i've been going to a yoga/pilates class and really been enjoying it. In order to really get to the next level in my workout i'm gonna have to start going to these classes every week or i'm just gonna pretty much plateau where I am and not really get anywhere. I've been working out consistently since 2003 and have done a really good job of losing the weight that I really was wanting to lose. Once you are almost there and don't have as much to lose it starts getting a lot harder. Thus, the classes that i'm starting to take.
It's sad to say, but in the first 10 min of this class I was ready to sit down. Unfortunately, when I got to the gym I realized that I had forgotten my water bottle, which wasn't a good thing. It was a jammed pack class with a lot of middle aged suburban women and a few elderly ladies, and a few people that were probably my age. However, at times, I felt as though some of these older ladies were in better shape than I was. It was an hour long, very intensive class and even though it seemed to go by fairly quick, there were times, when I just wanted it to just be over. That's when you know that you're being worked. Crazy, but i've not had a workout that hard in a very long time, and I will be going back next week. When I finally get to the point in this class where I don't feel as though i'm gonna die, then i'll know that i'm building up my endurance.
My goal from all of this is to get some more definition on my abdominal muscles and also, lose a few more pounds. I'm feeling pretty good about where i'm at with my weight right now, but winter is coming and I want to make sure that I get through it alright. When I say alright, what I mean is that I don't want to be putting on any extra pounds for "insulation". That's what we wear coats and hats for. Seems like quite a few people around here use that as an excuse to eat all of those holiday cookies and cakes. Not I!
Anyway, winter is here and i'm feeling it's wrath. It has even snowed a little bit already. I'm missing California even more now, than what I already do.
Last week I was motivated to take a few photos of myself so that's what you're seeing up there. Take care!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Some Inspiration

So winter is fast approaching and i've decided that i've got to make the best of it. There are some nice things about the winter months. It's always a nice feeling to be able to curl up on the couch with some hot tea/coffee and be lazy in front of the tv. During the summer I almost feel guilty doing this because I should totally be outside enjoying the weather. Especially since the summer goes by so quickly.
This winter I am gonna try and start some new things. I've had my photo printer for a few years now and have hardly used it, which is awful. I need to start printing out some of my favorite photos and sell them at Etsy.com . I've actually been wanting to do this for a while, but just have either not had the time or been lazy. So now i'm making it my new years resolution to become more productive. At work lately there have been so many slow days that if I had my photos printed out, i'd be able to make cards/post cards, etc.
For a while now, Amir has been working on his album. He's made all of the beats, wrote all the rhymes, and is performing/memorizing them all which in turn is inspiring me. Back in college I was always moved by something. Whether it was all the museums and countries that I saw or all of the plays I watched,I was always somehow immersed in art. After college ends you have to do the work and find the art yourself ,otherwise it's all too easy to get wrapped up in the everyday of working and life.
There will be more photos soon, and if you feel like looking at the ones that are up www.flickr.com/photos/melissajanke

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History in the Making

It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that today is election day. I'm SO nervous to see what the outcome of this day is going to be. It seems like by this time tomorrow we are either gonna be embracing change or taking a step in the same direction that we've been going for the last 8 years. I pray to god that doesn't happen. It's been an interesting campaign. There were some people that I specifically chose to not talk to about it all because no matter what you told them they were not gonna change their mind. Then there were the people who didn't do the research, but listened to what their friends were telling them therefore, it was truth. These people are dangerous because they were/are putting false information out there. However, the good thing about this campaign was that it really got people talking. It really got people out there working for a purpose, and united. Well, on the Obama side anyway.
I have been supporting Obama for a while now. I was lucky enough to see him in person in my hometown. He was running for the Illnois Senate seat and so he was doing a bus tour and stopped in my SMALL hometown to let us all know what he was about. He even went door to door handing out pamphlets about himself which I really thought showed how real he was. It was at that point I knew that he would be something great. The way that he spoke was so eloquent and everything that he was saying was what I was thinking. And now he HOPEFULLY is going to be elected President.
Tonight's gonna be a long night as Amir and I wait up to see what's going on with the results. I will be going to cast my vote when Amir gets home from work in a few hours and i'm really hoping that my vote is gonna be helping to make something great.
Everyone must go vote today and if you know what's good for you and the country you live, vote OBAMA!
One last thing, if you are voting in California..PLEASE vote No on Prop 8

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Coming Back Around

I haven't been around much lately, but I guess that nothing has been happening exciting enough in my life to warrant a post. So i'm here now still with not a lot to say so i'll make it something real important.
For a while now we've been hearing about how the economy as being in shambles. I've heard people's husbands, friends and so on being laid off. However, i've not really seen too much in my own life, until last month. Most people see massage as a luxury and since money's tight right now we've been REALLY slow. When I say slow, I mean I work eight hour shifts and i'm lucky to see 2 massages in that time. The rest of the time i'm sitting around hoping and praying for a massage, but mainly just playing on my instinct.
Besides work being slow there's not much going on these days. I feel as though my whole life revolves around work. Amir and I just finished watching The Wire, which is an amazing show. It focuses on the city of Baltimore starting off showing us how the people live on the streets and brings us throughout almost every part of the city itself. It's sad that this show never won an Emmy. I guess a lot of the greats never do. I was a little sad to see the last episode because I just wanted there to be more. Amir and I have watched many a series now and everytime it ends I always wonder if i'm gonna find a show as good. So far we've been doing a pretty good job of this. Mad Men's probably gonna be next.
Married life is treating me well. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. He just made us homemade pizza for dinner tonight and they were delicious.
I don't think that many/anyone reads this, but just in case...Hope that everyone's doing well