Tuesday, September 30, 2008

the good life

The last week has been a pretty good one. I've never really had an official photo shoot, but on Friday I had one with my friend, Omayra. I picked a few spots around my hood that I thought would have some nice scenery and she brought a bunch of different outfits to change into. I took a million photos and posted some a few days ago. If you want to see more check out this site: www.flickr.com/photos/melissajanke . They aren't there yet, but they will be in the next few days.
Today one of my best friends and her husband came to town. She's been my best friend since like 3rd grade and a few years ago moved to Arkansas to be nearer to her family. Anyway, they came in to hang out with me and Amir. It's always so much fun, because we don't have any married/couple friends here so it's always good to see each other. So we met at the mall and I ended up getting the sprint version of the I Phone. Until now, i've been wanting to get the Blackberry, but found out it was a bit different than I thought so the I Phone was the way to go. It feels so strange to have something that has always seemed so fancy to me, but im most def excited. I'll keep you posted on my progress learning to use the thing. Haha.
Anyway, i'm out for now to watch Dancing. Peace out!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Omayra's Photo Shoot

My friend, Omayra, asked me to take some photos of her. I took a bunch, but these are just a few to see for now. Eventually, they will be on my flickr site.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Big Day

These are just a tiny piece of the puzzle of I have of photos of me and Amir's wedding. My friend, Mary Catherine, took all of these for me and i'm finally now starting to organize them all and put them on cds to start printing them out. Christmas gifts to some family I think. There will be more, but enjoy these!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Creating a new Flavor

Thought i'd share a few photos of my nice vegetables. I have ventured into the world of herbs and flavor. Haha. Probably should already be there....BUT at least i've gotten there. The children will be excited oneday! I was creating a fantastic sauce with some nice herbs and vegetables that we've gotten from our new favorite store. Now that we've found a produce market i'm even more excited to create some new dishes with ingredients i've never used before. Anyway, must go now...the Emmy's is back on.

Happy Birthday Hubby!!

So today is my husband's birthday. Even though we've celebrated our birthday's together for 6 years now, this one is the most exciting because it's the first one that we celebrate as married people! It's good to finally be married and get to celebrate our lives now as husband and wife.
The past few days we've been celebrating it up. Although i'm "becoming" a better cook, I thought it would be nice to go out to dinner, so we went to our favorite Thai restaurant. Then on the way home, we got a small cake and some ice cream. Took some good photos and just trying to make a good day for my fantastic hubby.
I asked him what he wanted and he didn't really say too much,so I bought him a sweet pair of Adidas shoes. However, they were too small so went to return them today and instead of getting a new pair, gonna buy him a midi controller. I'm not exactly sure about all that it does, but Amir is trying to move up in his music so this is just the thing he needs to do that. I'm totally up for helping him achieve his musical powers! And i'm almost forgetting the most exciting part of the whole week, which was Amir coming to my work and me giving him a free massage! School is coming in handy!
That's about all that's happening with me this week. I'm looking forward to this coming week. Tuesday, Amir and I are heading to my parents' house to visit. Then on Friday, my friend, Omayra, is coming through and i'm gonna take some nice photos of her. Should be a good week!
Hope all's well with everyone.

Happy Birthday Amir!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Circle of Friends

Lately i've been feeling a little down, because I don't have many friends where we live. There are only a handful of people that Amir and I know in the area, but it never seems to work out that we see each other. I don't NEED friends here to be happy, but it would definitely help a bit. It seems to me that in the area we live that two things are happening. Number one is that is the people like me and Amir probably are living in the city because there are more things going on. Number two is that a lot of the younger people living here never left. Therefore, they've already formed their circles years ago making it harder to become friends with these people. This is why after our lease ends i'm not sure that I want to renew our lease. My dream would be to move to California, but if that doesn't happen i'd love to move closer to my family. We'll see. To be continued for now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Tribute

It's hard to believe that another year has gone by and we are at the 7th year anniverary of Sept 11th. I just wanted to write a short something to show my respect for the people who died and the family members who lost people in this terrible attack.
To me, this is one of those moments that you'll NEVER forget where you were at. My parents had the day that Kennedy was shot and Martin Luther King Jr getting shot. Until this day, I didn't really have much. Not that I was wanting something tragic to happen so that I could call that my something.
The morning of this awful day I was living abroad in London. I was living there with a bunch of people I knew and we were all going to Florida State over there. It was around 2 in the afternoon when Jay Sullivan burst into my flat saying that a plane had crashed into the towers. I could hardly believe what he was saying. Up until now, this was only something that you'd see in the movies, not something you'd think could actually happen. Especially not to the US. So a bunch of us ran next door into this flat and we were watching the news. They were showing a replay of the first plane crashing into the building. Then right before our eyes, the second tower went down. All I could think was I felt like I should be home right now. Somehow if being in the US would make me feel better and take away everything that had happened. Soon after this happened, my school called a meeting for all of us that evening so that we could talk about what had happened. I remember soon after watching this on tv, I was walking down the street with Melanie. We were saying that it was so crazy that we were walking on the street as if nothing had happened. Nothing had stopped, nobody was really acting any differently than they were before. I just really wanted to be home. Many of us tried calling our families back here, but nobody could get through on the phone lines. Even for those of us who were calling states that weren't New York, we still couldn't get through. It took several hours before I was able to talk to my family. I always wonder how it would have felt different if I had been in the country during this event. I'm curious how it would have effected me? There were a few people that had family and friends working in the Pentagon and the Trade Center. Luckily, each of those few people had crazy stories of how they were late to work so they never made it or they just didn't make it into work that day. Thank gosh!
So later that evening our school had a meeting for us where they basically told us to tell NOBODY we were American, because at this point we weren't sure if that was a good idea. Therefore, we were supposed to tell people we were from Canada. We were told to not "dress american". No white tennis shoes, no hats with sports teams, and no shirts with sports teams. Nothing that could make us pinpointed in any way as an American. There was a Florida State University emblem hanging outside the University door which they took down that day. This was all so sad. It felt like something changed forever that day, and I still feel that it did. It's not like I felt completely safe back then, but I feel even less safe now. Even though Bush says he's done a lot to "make things safer". I just don't feel it.
Anyway, at Hyde Park, they were having a memorial where you could bring flowers,letter and whatever you wanted basically to set out there for all the fallen people. So I am gonna leave with a few photos of what me and some of my friends did and of some of the thousands of flowers that were put out there. We will never forget....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Finally, Motivated!!

Ever since my friend came to visit and had me her help make our delicious dinner, i've been a lot more motivated to REALLY learn to cook well. I wouldn't say that i'm a horrible cook. I'd just say that I just don't always like to take the time it should take to make a good meal. However..i'm trying to turn over a new leaf and become a good cook. I'm living with the best cook i've ever met, so you'd think that i'd be better than I am. Haha.
The other night I tried to recreate what Caitlin and I made that night. It was a pasta dish that had some veggies, and olive oil was the sauce. I felt really proud of myself prepping all of the vegetables and onions and so on. Maybe it wouldn't be a big deal to "normal" people, but to me it was totally exciting!! The food turned out really well actually and so that has made me want to learn how to make more things.
Tonight Amir made a eggplant and tofu dish, that didn't look all the complicated. The hardest part will probably be making the tofu. Yes, it's true that i'm a vegetarian and have been for 9 years. In all this time i've only made tofu like two of three times. I never really knew what to do with it. However, that will all be changing soon.
Last night Amir and I were going to Ihop, and right when we were pulling into it he realized that he forgot his peanut butter (he can't eat pancakes w/o it). So we stopped in this grocery store right next to Ihop to get some. The place was amazing!!! I felt as though I was at a produce market, however, they also had regular groceries too. This place has the most inexpensive produce i've seen in years maybe. There were fruits and some veggies that i've never seen or even heard of before. The whole time we were in there I felt as though I was on air! Some people go to a club to have fun, but me and amir can do that in a grocery store! When I was younger I said that i'd meet my husband in a grocery store. That actually happened.
So anyway, i'm just a lot more excited to cook. When I have kids I want to be able to make them fabulous meals and not just be able to make pasta in 10 different ways. It'd be cool if they bragged to their friends about how much better a cook I am then their moms'. Haha. There is one thing I really am wanting/needing before I really start getting into the cooking thing: an apron from Anthropologie. You've gotta have a cute apron when you're cooking right??
If there is any one that reads this that has any good vegetarian recipes let me know.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Living the Married Life

Just wanted to show my a few photos of me and my cute husband. He's fabulous!

Good Times

I remember when I was younger and all of my friends lived in the same town as me. Then I grew up, went to college out of state and met a lot of different people, from a lot of different places. Some of these even included different countries. The summer after college graduation, I got used to saying goodbye what seemed like every week to someone. Basically from then on, i'm lucky to have 5 friends in the same town. At times I feel as though I don't even have friends, but then I just remember how I do HAVE friends, they are just all scattered.

That's what made this past weekend so exciting. I had two friends come to visit. My friend, Caitlin who came in on Thursday and then, Nick who i'd see Saturday. It was just such a good feeling to go shopping, have coffee, and just hang out with my really good friends. It's a great feeling when you can have a glass of wine and a good conversation with someone. Especially, when they see things in the world the same way that you see them. I won't go into details about all that we did and whatnot, but only want to say that your friends really do feel like they are part of your family, and never take them for granted because once you get older it isn't as easy to find good friends like when you were back in school. Therefore, the people that you do become friends with when you're older really are true friends because you are choosing to hang out with them and didn't just grow up with them.

I took a few photos of me and Caitlin. Unfortunately, I didn't get one of me and Nick which just makes it even more clear that I must go to visit him and his lady in Canada!!! Haha. And I will leave with the advantages of having friends all over the place

-free places to stay

-get to visit places you may never go

-always fun to vacation with friends

-new restaurants to check out

-and of course, new places of scenery for photos!